Wednesday 2 December 2009

I first noticed him on the plane. He was sitting in the aisle seat next to me and had already made himself comfortable when I came bustling down the plane, too much hand luggage as usual and coat trailing behind me. Most of the overhead compartments were already full and as I tried to shove my overstuffed bag into the one above him, I dropped my coat onto his head, suffocating him in fake fur. As i retrieved my coat and made my apologies, the bag decided it wasn't going to fit and unceremonously landed on both of us. Flustered and feeling very embarrassed, i accepted his help as he found a spot for my bag and allowed me to move into the seat next to him.

The rest of the journey was uneventful, as I passed the time watching movies and giving the chap next to me the occasional glance. He had a lovely friendly face and a strong body. Obviously looks after himself i thought, and he looks like a fun person to be with. I so wanted to ask him whether he was off to Whistler skiing or doing business in Vancouver but felt i had already made a fool of myself so remained quiet.

The transfer bus was tiring and my heart sank slightly when I saw he was not on it. Checking into my hotel, i had my usual luggage crisis. Trying to negogiate the lift doors i got in a pickle as the wheels of my case got stuck in the door grooves. Tugging away I suddenly felt the case go light and a voice behind said 'well, if it isn't Calamity Jane!'. Turning round i saw him with my case in his hands. I also saw the queue forming behind me and blushed furiously. 'Thank you' I stammered and blundered into the lift. He followed behind and with the luggage between us there was no more room and the doors closed. I stood staring at the ground until he said 'Does help if you press a button for your floor'.

'Oh, of course! I'm so sorry. What floor would you like'

'Four' he replied. 'And you?'

'Same' Oh what luck i thought, but having made such a fool of myself i doubted he would be interested in me.

We parted company in the corridor and made our way to our respective rooms. Well, that's that, i thought and busied myself unpacking before sleep overtook me. My sleep was heavy and i dreamt of meeting that lovely man again.

I awoke fresh and ready for a day on the slopes. The weather was perfect. A fresh fall of snow in the night followed by a clear crisp morning. I was keen and eager to get my skis on and have some fun.

Halfway through the morning, i took my usual first day tumble, taking another skier with me. I yelped as we rolled in the powder and eventually came to a stop. The unfortunate skier i had taken with me shook his head free of snow and looking down at me exclaimed with a huge grin 'well if it isn't my Calamity Jane! I should have known'.

'Sorry' I mumbled. Totally convinced now that i had lost all hope of getting to know this chap, i picked myself up and prepared to be on my way.

'Wait up!' He shouted. 'As i have helped you out of two pickles and softened your tumble i think you owe me a coffee'.

'Oh, of course' I replied, doing my best to keep the excitement out of my voice. My heart quickened and my tummy turned somersaults as we made our way to the little mountain restaurant. I bought the drinks over and we laughed over the events, enjoying a very pleasant coffee break.

He then suggested that as we were both on own perhaps we should ski together for a while. I could not believe my luck and struggled to contain myself. 'Ok' I casually responded 'sounds fun'.

After a few runs down we found themselves on a chairlift alone. Initially he had taken the far seat but he soon moved next to me and pressed his thighs against mine. My breath quickened and i felt my body respond to the briefest touch from him. 'oh my' I thought and looked straight ahead, not wanting my eyes to give away my emotions. I suddenly felt my inner thigh being squeezed and as i turned to look at him his lips met mine and we shared a passionate kiss. His lips were amazing and as our tongues explored each others mouths i felt my lower body contract and tingle.

'Perhaps we should try and get a cable car to ourselves' he whispered as we made our way down the slopes. Giving him a sidewards glance i saw a naughty twinkle in his eye and smiled to myself. After a couple of hours of skiing and playful banter we found ourselves exactly in that situation. It was lunchtime and while the restaurants were full, the slopes and lifts were deserted.

Before the doors had even had a chance to close he grabbed me and pressed me close against his body. Taking his gloves off he unzipped my jacket and saw exactly how i was feeling as my nipples stood out hard against my fleece top. He circled them through the fabric and i let out a sigh. I felt him harden against my leg and, unable to help myself, i rubbed my thigh against him.

After a few passionate kisses he turned me round and pulled my leggings down, revealing my cold pink bottom. Giving it a playful slap he commented that he would soon warm that up. Releasing him from his own trousers i gasped. He was long, thick and very hard. I had never seen anything so wonderful in my life and my sex grew warm at the thought of taking that inside me.

Using one hand to stroke and pinch my hardening bud, he used the other to spank my bottom cheeks. With every yelp i gave he worked me harder until i was unable to control myself and a loud moan escaped me as i came, my juices flowing all over his fingers. I begged him to enter me but as he spread my legs against the wall and rubbed my juices around my bottom it became obvious he had other plans.

I moaned and grasped the rail as he worked my hole loose with his fingers and my juices. Deciding i was ready i felt the tip of him rub along my wet sex before settling at my swollen rosebud. With a thrust he gently entered me and slowly eased himself in. I tensed at first and then relaxed as i felt myself open to him. We remained still for a while and then he began to move, slowly at first. His hand played with my other bud and i could feel my second climax building. He spanked me as i came and as i tightened around his shaft he could hold back no longer and, with a groan, came deep inside me.

We collapsed against each other and giggled as he slowly removed himself. Catching our breath we realised the journey was nearly over. We dressed quickly and exited the car with a rosy glow. Hugging each other before we put our skis back on i couldn't help thinking this was going to be the best holiday of my life....

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